Daily habits to live an 80/20 lifestyle!

Habit: a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

This month, we’re going to be banging on to you all about HABITS!

The topic of habits is particularly interesting to us as coaches as your success with us really lies in the habits you have in your life.

And a lot of us don’t consciously create our habits!

We tend to act and think based on what automatically serves our most immediate needs and what we are familiar with (aka living on autopilot).

This is great if our habits are designed for our best interests, but it can also harm us in the long run if they are not.

So, how to develop good habits for your health?


The journey of building habits is all about consistency. Therefore, it’s best to keep a habit tracker along the way. Why do you think you love the stamp cards so much! haha! There are two options we find work:

Download this paper habit tracker!

Download a habit tracking app like this one!

We’ve listed our weekly habits we stick to (mostly, we are definitely not perfect and fall back into unhelpful habits ALL THE TIME) below so have a read and implement any that you feel will help you. The biggest thing to remember that we love all things health but we are not superwomen and fall off the wagon too. We literally have worked out ways to hack our brain and lives to set ourselves up for success so it happens less often!



  • I make sure I have plan around my meals ready to go every Sunday so I am not entering the week blind. This is a biggie. I also get a helping hand from a meal delivery service at different times. I have tried Muscle Chef and I am currently using Chef Good. I just get 5-6 of them per week to have at lunch/dinner and it really reduces the mental load. I also live by myself Mon - Thurs so it means I don’t have to cook for one all the time.

  • I cut up a whole lot of greens (spinach, broccoli, zucchini) and have them in a container ready to add to these meals during the week!

  • I put workouts in my calendar for the entire week and block that time out rather than figuring out when I am going to work out on the day

  • I sit down and plan my week out every Friday for the next week from appointments to work to walking the dog.

  • I try to get a walk in every day with the dog even if it’s just around the block. The fresh air and joy that he gets from being out gives me massive mental joy!

  • I have a schooner glass (stolen from the pub of course) full of water on my kitchen bench right where I walk past 100 times a day so I skull it and refill every time I walk past.

  • I don't have chocolate in the house unless it's PMS week lol so I have to go out if I want chocolate.

  • I try to get to the beach everyday even if it's just a drive by as seeing the ocean is amazing for my mental health

  • I have do not disturb turned on my phone from 7pm - 5am

  • I store my supplements (vitamin B, magnesium etc) right in view so it’s easy for me to remember to take them of a night!

  • I pretty much follow the principle of no grog Sunday to Thursdays!

I want to implement

  • Better sleeping habits and getting into bed earlier!

  • Having a better plan for having food in the house on weekends to reduce eating out


  • Meditation (with insight timer app) every night before going to sleep - it's my non negotiable!

  • Drink a big glass of water right after getting up in the morning

  • 2 Strength workouts plus 1 yoga class each week

  • Food shop at markets each Sunday and then meal prepping for snacks and the first 2 days of the week

  • Alcohol only on the weekend!

Habits I want to implement:

  • limit chocolate and bread to the weekend and in moderation

  • one beach walk per week and maybe a dip as well!


  • Schedule my workouts - On Sunday I look at my work roster for the new week and schedule when I can get my own workouts in so I know that I have set the time aside for myself. I’m at my best not only physically but also mentally when I’m able to move my body so this is a big one for me!

  • Following on from the above point, I also try to schedule in rest days as I’m someone who can push myself too hard sometimes. Scheduling rest days forces me into balancing my training routine out so that I’m not faltering in other areas of my life due to fatigue 

  • Meal Plan - Over the weekend I take time to sit down and think about what groceries I need for the new week.

  • Prepare a protein breaky - I prepare my breakfast at night to take to work the next day so that I can just grab in out of the fridge in the morning and I’m fuelling myself properly for my job and not spending unnecessary money. If I know I’ll be at work for lunch, I will also prepare lunch the night before too

  • I always make sure I have both a variety of fresh and frozen fruit at home to snack on, have with breakfast/lunch or make a yummy smoothie out of. This is a big one for me as fruit makes me feel SO good and when I’m feeling like something sweet it always does the trick! 

  • I have a bottle of water next to my bed so that when I wake up in the morning I can have a nice long drink which I feel sets me up nicely for the morning as I’m not heading to work or to do a workout feeling dehydrated 

  • Out of mind, out of sight - I don’t keep processed foods in my house so that when I’m tired, hungry and/or feeling lazy I’m not tempted to reach for something I know isn’t supporting my goals and isn’t actually going to make me feel better. Instead, I have things like fruit, veggies and home made protein balls which I know make me feel my best

  •  If I’m planning on doing an early morning workout I set my activewear and anything else I’ll need out the night before so that I can just roll out of bed, chuck my clothes on and head out the door. This really helps with any excuses getting in the way as I’ve already committed the night before by getting everything prepared!

  • If I need a nap during the day I just have it! I use to try fight off tiredness but I’ve realised that doing that wasn’t beneficial for my mental or physical health so if I’m feeling extra tired I lean into it and take the damn nap!

  • I have my vitamins/minerals like magnesium, vit d and b12 set out where my toothbrush and moisturiser are so that I take them first thing in the morning without forgetting

  •  Making sure I’m going to bed early enough. I do this by tuning into how I’m feeling (more/less tired then usual), setting myself I time to aim for, having dinner at a time suitable to allow me to get to bed when I’ve planned and doing things prior to bed time that will help me wind down (just general chill time)

I want to implement:

  • Starting meal prepping again so I don’t have to cook from scratch every night and I can make sure I’m eating a nourishing meal after a big day

  • Doing some form of self care each day


  • Setting out my workout clothes every night in the bathroom, this way my morning starts off drama free

  • Ensuring my work lunches are sorted for the week, i often use a meal delivery service, i use my muscle chef and have for over 18 months now and love them! This ensures I'm getting a nutritious lunch everyday! and take off the pressure off cooking!

  • In addition to this, write out dinners for the week on a whiteboard on the fridge

  • Lastly on nutrition, chocolate is my soul food, and I have it everyday! i buy portion sized chocolates sometimes it's a freddo frog or a kinnda surprise egg to have with a tea mid afternoon or night, and I fit this into my daily intake (if i am tracking) This is allowing myself to not demonise curtin food groups which i definitely have in the past which has lead the episode of binge eating which is an ugly cycle that can so easily be fallen into.

  • Movement is super important to me not only my physical health but also my mental health, scheduling my weight training days each week really help to keep this routine, and on my off days i ensure i go out for a walk with the dog or do some sort of movement (this can even be cleaning the house, two birds one some movement and cleaning lol)

  • Putting aside time for my own self care once a week, this looks different every week, could be getting a pedicure, going out on a solo coffee or lunch date, or watching my favorite comfort show and zoning out for an hour or two.

  • Week nights always in bed at 9pm! also i listen to sleep music before bed, i love it, helps me relax and tell my brain its bed time

  • water always, at least 3 litre a day or do not feel like myself!

Want to implement:

  • implement a meal plan and more structure around nutrition for the weekends, to avoid eating out often on the weekends

  • being consistent with my vitamins!! need to work on this badly i go through phases of being really good then forgot

  • YOGA once a week


I live in alignment with the cycles of nature, being the seasons and where the sun and moon are in the sky. The elements of nature are taken into consideration at the beginning of each day, week, month when scheduling my week.  I take into account non-negotiable priorities, such as self care, family, work and teaching yoga.  

At the beginning of each week, all things considered, I go ahead and plan my pineapple workouts, food prep and having all my workout clothes ready to roll on Sunday and Monday.

  • Every day the first thing in the morning as I start to awaken I connect I do a breath awareness meditation. I simply notice my breath and start to count to 4 on the inhale and 6 on the exhale. I always start and finish my day with this, as it lets my nervous system know that all is well. It helps my body to start and finish each day in rest and digest, rather than fight or flight. This simple practice at the beginning and end of each day sets me up for a calmer, more grounded and effective day and a peaceful night at the end of a busy day. This practice can vary between 5 mins to 90mins depending on what time I wake up and what I have to do that day. It can be very short some evenings depending on how tired I am.

  • In the mornings after my breath awareness meditation practice, I ask myself, how do I feel today? physically? mentally? emotionally? And energetically? Tuning into self and how I’m feeling at the beginning of each day allows me to decide what is negotiable and non negotiable on any given day. This doesn’t have to be a long process, it can literally take a few minutes or even seconds depending on how much time I have.

  • I never look at my phone before doing these two things in the morning.

  • In the evenings I turn the phone off an hour or more before going to bed and either do yoga and or read a book before doing my breath meditation. If I slip in this area I can guarantee my sleep will be much less restful and less restorative and I pay for it!

  • When I am booked in for a 6am Pineapple session at the beach I have everything I need out and ready to grab and go. If I don’t I know I will hit snooze and rollover. Doing that is the best thing I can do to get to those 6am sessions.

  • When preparing food, keeping in mind I am always looking to create balance. In the colder months, I love to get into the kitchen and prepare warming, heavier foods such as soups, stews, roasts and curries. In summer months I like to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible so I tend to eat and prepare quick and easy cooling foods such as salads, fish and meats on the bbq outside.

  • In the warmer months I loooove my Pineapple outdoor sessions at the beach. In the colder months I schedule a couple of indoor small group sessions a little later in the day so that I make sure I don't fall off the wagon and can keep up with my yang exercise through the cooler months. It's in the dead of winter that we need the intense and warming movement practices the most.

  • In terms of astrology, when the moon is dark and or black, just before the new moon, this can be a time to go within and tune into self. We may feel more tired and less motivated at this time. If this is the case I don’t beat myself up or judge myself. I accept it is a time to go slow and be kind to myself because I know as the moon starts to grow towards being full I will have more energy and may even f

  • Feel motivated enough to book an extra Pineapple sesh that week, plus add in a bush walk and all balances out in the end.

  • Making at least three Pineapple sessions every week a priority for my health and self care.

  • Stretching and breathing every day. Sometimes it is 1 hour, other days it is 10 mins but it must happen every day.

  • Connecting with my breath to bring myself back to presence whenever I feel a hint of anxiety, stress or overwhelm come up in my body. If I have a second I may ask myself, what is going on here? Or just take 5 deep breaths, which can be just enough time to pause, tune in and reset. 

    I want to implement:

  • Drink more water!



  • I write a list of the things I am wanting to do, then record it in an app (or on paper) my food, movement, water. etc

  • Write a rough meal plan on the weekend

  • Be ok with short cuts (organic veggie/salad bags, pre cut, ready to go meals etc)

  • No snacks

  • Dairy, sugar & gluten are condiments not the main event

  • Have lunch and dinner on a bed of greensBe in bed 8 hours before I need to get up

  • from the table then sit to eat

  • Add things to my water, if needed, to make me drink my 2-3L/day (lemon, linseed etc)

  • Stay CURIOUS not judgy!

Things I want to implement:

  • Daily Journaling

  • Weekly Affirmations

  • Screentime finishes at 8pm

  • Do 1 thing just for fun every week!

  • Need to kick the snacks

  • Add in my regular 1 x week yoga again!

Ok your turn.

The very first step to change and build new habits is bringing awareness to those thoughts and actions that are repetitive—because they are gaining strength every minute.

Start by paying attention to your actions and the results of those actions.  Pay attention to what your thoughts are on a regular basis.  Thought patterns are habits too.

Follow these steps to gain control over your habits.

  1. Pick something small and manageable to add to your routine that will make you feel good. Write this in a habit tracker or app!

  2. Stick the tracker on your fridge so you can see the dots build as you hit it every day!

  3. Bring awareness to any negative habits you currently hold (actions and thoughts.).

  4. Incorporate a new positive habit to take place of the habit you want to reduce!

Please share anything you find helpful with your fellow Pines!

Brittany Ashman