Coming Back to Training Post COVID.

After 2 years of dodging the big C, it caught up to my husband and I after a trip to QLD over the Christmas/New Years break! We were fortunate to have a very mild case with very little symptoms, the fatigue being my main symptom!

We have many members off training at the moment due to COVID so we have put together a ‘covid comeback’ training protocol for you! Of course, we highly recommend nothing but rest when you're unwell! Rest is the most important part of recovery. However, what this blog is here to help you with is 

  1. What to expect when returning to training after COVID 

  2. What to do when returning to training after COVID 

  1. What to expect when returning to training after COVID 

As with all things in life, every person's experience will be different so please note this recount is based off my personal experience and from speaking to members of our community coming back to training. Over the last 6 weeks of training multiple women of all ages who have had COVID during this outbreak, with varying severity of symptoms, the most common feedback we are getting is a feeling of heaviness/sluggishness and feeling more out of breath than normal when returning to training. 

I personally just feel meh. I can’t say I feel unwell but I don’t feel WELL if that makes sense! I am now 8 days out of isolation and have completed 3 workouts all of which I have taken at my own pace, at a 5/10 effort. Having time off for holidays plus having time off for COVID obviously is a negative double whammy when it comes to my fitness levels and muscular strength so I'm sore post workout. If you too have taken more than 2 weeks off training, expect that and take rest days in between your workouts, start with 2/3 days then work up to more!

Another common theme I have heard is that somedays you will feel like you are killing it and then the next, you’re flat again! Progress is not linear and don’t be hard on yourself for finding something harder today than it did yesterday. Invite curiosity over comparison into your mindset. Did you sleep badly last night? Did you drop your water intake? Did you fit a lot in to your day yesterday? Or maybe its none of these and you’re just recovering and you need to take it easy. I think one thing we can all say these past years have taught us is the art of surrender (I am still no master) so take it easy on yourself, you will feel fit and healthy before you know it.

2. What to do when returning to training after COVID 

If you start to feel better before your isolation period is up, we have put together a selection of workouts in the Pineapple On Demand Library on the app or online log in. The category is called Covid Comeback and in here you will find 5 gentle to medium paced workouts that will ease you back into training. Complete 1 or all of these at home, selecting the right one for how you are feeling at the time. For example, still feeling pretty shit: do the yoga/stretch session. Have a bit more energy: do a BASE sesh. 

When you’re right to head back to the gym or outdoor sessions, our main piece of advice is 

  • TAKE IT EASY! There is no rush! Taking a slow and steady approach to returning to movement actually gives our bodies the best chance of fully recovering.

  • Start with Strength, BASE, and Yoga/Stretch sessions! These are a little less intense than our HIIT and Boxing sessions so will get the body moving and blood pumping without overwhelming you. 

  • Small group sessions are all suitable to come back and you can drop your weights right back. When I jumped into small group last week, I did completely body weight for a couple of the movements! When it came to conditioning, I swapped the burpees out so I wasn’t going high and low!

  • Let your coach know that you are taking it easy! We will be ready to give you any alternatives you need for the higher impact moves 

  • Take a break whenever you need! Reduce the reps, take the jumping out of plyo moves, stop whenever you need! Again, there isn’t a medal for coming back from COVID the best. LOL! 

  • Most importantly, if you’re feeling well, just get back into it! Gently! The sunshine, the endorphins, the community, the ocean swim, being happy and getting off social media/news channels are the best things we can do for our mental health and stress levels right now. We are sure you all have heard of the impact stress has on our immune system. So prioritize your happiness by putting priority on doing things that make you feel good - like Pineapple!  

Outside of your training, we recommend keeping your fluids up and seeking some advice from a health professional when it comes to things you can do to boost your immunity! We recommend the wonderful humans at Vitality at The Junction for advice and supplements!

I also got my hands on some Kvass from Wholefood Family which is full of B vitamins (required for energy production) as my main symptom was fatigue!

We hope this gives you a little insight into what to expect when it comes to your training after COVID and also what you can do at home if you’re feeling up to it! See the pic below for the section of the app to look for! These gentle and more mindful sessions can be used when returning from any sickness or on period days 1 and 2 when moving your body in a light and mellow way is just what your body needs!

Pineapple Fitness