I opened my calendar this morning and have been hit with the ‘holy moly, I have something on most weekends until Christmas, how did we get here?’ moment.

Truth be told, I haven’t reeeallllyyy gotten back into a solid routine since my European adventure back in September and then add in the last 2 weeks celebrating my birthday, I’m pretty much made of champagne right now!

My initial thoughts when opening my calendar were, ‘Well that’s it then, it looks like I am not going to have a clear run until next year now, I guess I am going to feel this sluggish until the party season is over?

’Have you had that thought yet? The ‘might as well just get started next year now’ thought? The ‘I haven’t achieved my health goals this year again, but it’s too late now’ though.

You’re not alone! Because honestly, between work, Christmas parties, kids Christmas parties, present buying, list making and doing, along with every day stuff, when the hell am I going to get time to start working out now! We’re encouraging you to reframe the need to be perfect in every aspect of your health right now to thinking about what are your NOVEMBER NON NEGOTIABLE’S.

This is a super busy time for everyone but it’s important to set some non negotiables so you continue to look after yourself. Showing up in any capacity is better than not showing up at all!

Here are our suggestions:

Set 4 non negotiable workouts per week.

🎄Try to cook as many home cooked meals as possible from Monday to Friday lunch
🎄Make double for dinner so you have leftovers for work lunches
🎄Keep alcohol for the weekend
🎄 Opt for vodka soda’s when you can although I can’t talk, I love cocktails.
🎄Try to get into bed by a time that gives you 8 hours sleep during the week so you’re still getting enough sleep. Weekends will be later of course.
🎄Get outside for daily walks & enjoy the sunshine/ day light savings. Even if it’s 10 minutes after dinner.
🎄If you’re a early morning girl, use a buddy system to get up for 6am classes. Message them the night before so you are accountable to them
🎄Try to get to a Yoga class
🎄Jump in the ocean as much as possible as it always makes you feel good

During this time of the year I make sure that my Monday to Friday is bang on which allows room to move on the weekends with events, Christmas parties, eating out, cocktails etc to really make the most of the best time of the year. You really can do it all, balance is the key.

X Brit

Pineapple Fitness