You're Pregnant (congratulations)! Now what?

Pregnancy and birth will have a significant impact on your body internally and externally - and we totally get that some days, moving your body doesn't even make it on the page let alone your list of to do’s!

Whether it’s due to sickness or overwhelming tiredness, we get that working out when pregnant can be a challenge! However, if you can respect your limitations and follow a tailored exercise regime, exercise can enable a swift return to physical function.

There are many benefits to prenatal training. These include:

  • Reducing the physical effects of pregnancy

  • Increase in energy and feel good hormones (coz pregnant in dang tiring)

  • Injury prevention and management

  • Safe strength building

  • Minimise postural changes

  • Maintaining mobility and independence

  • A speedier and improved recovery post-baby

The general rule is to enjoy 70-80% of your usual fitness routine. Staying active is key to easing pregnancy symptoms, preparing for labor and surviving those long nights ahead with a little one! Always consult your doctor and physio before pregnancy and post-natal fitness.

Do keep and eye on body temp and heart rate
Do activate glutes to aid in back pain and postural changes
Do activate the back and arm muscles to prepare for baby and correct postural weakness.
Tell your coach as soon as you can so they can provide you with any modifications throughout your trimesters

Huge amounts of jumping up and down or high impact exercises
Overextending the hip joints or lower back due to relaxant hormones and postural changes
Ignoring aches and pains - every pregnancy and body is different, so talk to your instructor and health care providers!

If you would like to start building your body to be as strong as can be for pregnancy with coaches who have worked with 100’s pregnant women before, book in for a FREE consult.

Let’s get you feeling strong Mama!

Pineapple Fitness