Soothe Your System with Ell Wynne, the Hormone Natuopath

Soothe your System with Ell Wynne 🌱

Part 1 - HERBS

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, flat, tired, living in overwhelm or not sleeping well; you may benefit from including herbs into your routine!

This can be as simple as including a herbal tea during the day and/or before bed (if you need to improve your sleep)!

If you are someone who drinks multiple coffees per day OR lots of black tea, swapping this with a soothing herbal tea will be very beneficial!

My favourite herbs for soothing your system are:
• Chamomile
• Lavender
• Oats
• Passionflower
• Withania

Go to your local health food shop, speak to your naturopath or get in touch with me to find out what herbs would help you! If you find a tea isn’t quite strong enough, I recommend speaking to a naturopath for a customised herbal blend to increase the potency.

My biggest takeaway when it comes stress is to accept that stress is a part of life, we cannot avoid it completely. But what we can do is use these tools and it is important we use these tools all the time, so when something stressful occurs, you are better equip to deal with it!

Stay tuned for Part 2 on how to soothe your system holistically!


Optimising your diet! 🍍

What you need to do is nourish your nervous system OR Soothe your System by optimising your diet!

The WHY and HOW:

🌱 Protein - with every meal, non-negotiable. Your body needs fuel when its stressed and if there isn’t enough your body will break down protein from your muscles

🌱 Diversity - the greater the diversity of whole foods, the higher the variety of essential nutrients. Aim for 30 different plant foods per week to optimise the nutrients you’re feeding your body and gut!

🌱 Eliminate refined carbohydrates - stress causes your blood sugar to be out of whack (think cravings, HANGRY, lacking energy) so when you add refined carbs; it makes the things much worse. Avoid things like sugar, white flour, pasta, white bread, pastries and most breakfast cereals

🌱 Eat regularly, don’t slip meals! This is a big one; lots of my clients talk about not feeling hungry. This is really common when you’re stressed; I recommend stopping, pausing and eating a small meal anyway. Make sure it contains protein, vegetables and some healthy fats

🌱 Chew your food thoroughly - digestion starts in your mouth with your teeth! Chew your food well for optimal digestion to enable adequate nutrient release and absorption

🌱 Remove stimulates - limit caffeine and sugar. Aim for max 1 coffee per day OR and 1-2 black teas. Swap them out for a herbal tea (see part 1 on herbs)


There are two key supplements that may help Soothe your System

🌱 Magnesium - it soothes your system in multiple ways; it helps to rewire an abnormal response to stress so you can deal with stress better and may also reduce feelings of anxiety, headaches and improve sleep! Dietary sources include; dark green leafy vegetables, cacao, eggs, legumes, almonds, cashews, kelp, wholegrain and buckwheat.

🌱 B Vitamins - when you’re stressed your body uses B vitamins up quickly, which can leave your body depleted of B vitamins. This means you may not have the capacity to respond to stress well; you will be left feeling stressed, possibly anxious and fatigued. There are 5 key B vitamins that help to maintain a healthy nervous system and the easiest way to ensure you are having enough is by taking an activated B vitamin. B Vitamins are essential for healthy nervous system and brain function, neurotransmitter production (those happy hormones) and at high doses they will increase energy and act as an antioxidant! Dietary sources: 🍍B12 - the main animal products are your highest sources which is why B12 deficiency is common if following a plant-based diet. Fish, meat, liver, chicken, eggs, dairy.

🌱 B6 - wholegrain, liver, sunflower seeds, lentils, kidney beans, legumes, avocado, chicken, beef, fish spinach.

If you would like to chat about supplements you can book a ‘Supplement Review’ consult via the link in my instagram bio OR if you would like to find out more about what I do, book a complementary discovery call!

Ell Wynne - The Hormone Naturopath
xx Ell

Do you have any clarifying questions? Feel free to send me a private message! Ell Wynne

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