Why weights feature in your weight loss plan

What are your thoughts on weight lifting? πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Many women shy away from lifting weights with the fear of "bulking up"

Truth be told, some body types will have a higher disposition to gain muscle faster than others, as do some to putting on weight faster than others, but mostly, 'bulking up' comes down to the amount you are training and the food you are consuming!

This is not a topic that is "one size fits all" but If your goal is to tone up and slim down, then including weights is essential in doing this effectively.

Lean muscle mass will help your body burn fat more efficiently and speed up weight loss as the metabolism increases.

Let us be clear, you need to be clear with your coach about what you want to achieve!!!!

🍍Is it that you want to be strong to lift more weight than you ever have?
🍍Is it that you want to be strong to carry your kids safe on your hip?
🍍Is it that you want to run your fastest 5km?
🍍Is it that you want to run the longest you've ever run?
🍍Is it that you really want to fit into a pair of jeans that you were wearing two years ago?

Every goal requires different training and nutrition plans and you need to be clear each time that goal changes.
I want you to think about what your 10/10 feels like? Write it down, including why you want to achieve this and then I encourage you to have a conversation with a coach at Pineapple this week about it!

Any questions please send us a message directly.

Keep up the great work and don't be scared to try something new!

Pineapple Fitness