The Down Low on Down Below by Erin Cuskelly

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Listen up, ladies! Here’s what you should’ve been learning in Health and PE class...A quick lesson on the most significant muscle group in your entire body, in my opinion…The Pelvic Floor.


You may never have seen it, you may never have felt it, but the importance of this particular muscle group cannot be understated. Its functionality is 3 fold as follows.



Your pelvic floor keeps you dry doing those double unders and prevents wind from leaking on first dates.

Losing a little wee when laughing, jumping, coughing, or running is incredibly common (affecting 1 in 3 women in fact) but never EVER normal or acceptable.

Committing to an individualised muscle training program will optimise the function of your pelvic floor muscles. This means an efficient, effective closure around your urethra and rectum when you need it and elimination of leaking wind or wee once and for all.



 The female orgasm is a complex entity for sure, one thing within your control that is an undeniable contributor is the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, both superficial and deep.

A hypertonic or ‘tight’ pelvic floor can be a cause of painful intercourse.

Working with a pelvic physiotherapist to down train these muscles using manual releases, dialators, acupuncture, home exercises and many other possibilities can provide immediate relief.

Alternatively, using pelvic floor muscle training, vaginal weights or feedback tools can improve blood circulation and muscle tone and mean new levels of sensation and awareness during sex.



If you think your ‘core’ is just your abs, think again.

When your trainer or pilates instructor cues you to ‘switch on the core’ what we are aiming for is an equal activation of your deep abdominal and back muscles (transverse abdominus and multifidus), along with a lift of your pelvic floor muscle sling. These muscles working in unison provide a corset-like effect and give support to the spine and pelvis.

To achieve this stable position visualise a zipper running from the tip if your tailbone to your belly button. This zipper should draw your vagina closed and provide a lift as it finally pulls your pubic bone subtly towards your belly button.

This is done most effectively on an exhale of breath.

A effective core muse unit means bigger lifts and a happier back.

If you are experiencing

• leaking of urine, wind or faeces,

• heavy, dragging sensations in the vagina

• painful or unpleasant sexual sensations

• pelvic or back pain

Please consult with a pelvic physiotherapist who can ascertain whether pelvic floor muscle dysfunction may be contributing.

The Female Focus Physiotherapy has been created to offer women sound, practical and qualified advice throughout their pregnancies and beyond. We help women prepare their bodies for birth, and recover from the process. We also help women of all ages maintain their health, allowing them to meet their fitness goals. Whether it is getting control back of your bladder or running your first post-partum marathon, The Female Focus will help you live your best life.

All Pineapple Members receive a discounted initial consult at FFP. You can book here. Click on the Fine Pine Check Up to book your appointment.

Pineapple Fitness