Holistic Recovery from the Inside Out by Ell Wynne

Hitting your Pineapple sessions is a HUGE part in creating a healthy life! It is equally as important to give your body what it needs to recover so you feel energized and ready for your next sesh!

My top 4 tips for holistic recovery from the inside out are:

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What you consume post training determines if you reap the rewards of all your hard work!
Your main energy source of your body and brain is glycogen from carbohydrates. When you exercise you use glycogen and body fat to fuel your training. Post training your body is ready to make stores of carbohydrates from the foods you eat. Delaying eating post training will cause 2 things to happen
1. Less glycogen is made resulting in reduced energy for the day (and your next workout) and potentially more cravings as your body and brain are tired and looking for a quick hit of energy
2. If you don’t eat enough carbs, your body will use protein that could be used to build lean muscle resulting in less muscle gains and potentially muscle breakdown.

My top tips:
1. Eat within 30 minutes of training
2. Consume 15-20g protein post-training to help stimulate muscle protein synthesis #gains
3. The BEST time to eat carbohydrates is post training
4. If you can’t eat breakfast within 30 minutes, eat a bigger snack and have a smaller breakfast later in the morning
5. Eat BEFORE drinking coffee is essential to reduce cortisol

Sleeping 7-9 hours per night is a non-negotiable, particularly if you are looking to increase muscle mass or want to feel well-rested for your next sesh! Countless bodily functions occur while we sleep; your muscles and organs restore, immune system balances, detoxification occurs and hormones are reset. Sleep enhances muscle recovery by increasing protein synthesis and human growth hormone to maintain, build and repair the body.

When dehydrated your mind and body cannot function at their best; everything slows right down as your body works to conserve as much water as possible. This can manifest as reduced physical performance, fatigue, brain fog, feelings of hunger, constipation, bloating and water retention.

You may be surprised by how much you need! A quick calculation - 35ml per kg body weight.
e.g. a 70kg person needs to consume 2450ml (minimum) to maintain basic body functions; add an extra 1L for an hr of exercise.

Involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body; what this means is it supports your body to function optimally! Magnesium supports recovery from exercise and helps prevent injury by loosening tight muscles, reducing cramps and post-training muscle soreness (DOMS).
Other reasons why I love magnesium? It increases energy levels, enhances mood (hello happy brain hormones), promotes hormone balance (goodbye #pms), improves sleep and is helpful for people with constipation!

I hope this has been helpful! If you would like to know more, all Pineapple Members have access to my Pineapple Prep Consults OR if you need more support you can book an Initial Consult and recieve $30 off (see below)!

xx Ell

Hi I’m Ell, Women’s Health NaturopathI help women to balance their hormones, reduce stress and anxiety, sleep better and regain their energy and vitality!If you have any questions or would like to chat, please get in touch!xx Ell

Hi I’m Ell, Women’s Health Naturopath

I help women to balance their hormones, reduce stress and anxiety, sleep better and regain their energy and vitality!

If you have any questions or would like to chat, please get in touch!

xx Ell

Pineapple Prep (online) - 30min (For Pineapple Fitness members only)

Book a Pineapple Prep for a short consult where I can help you with:

  • Eating to support your training sessions

  • Rest and sleep

  • Supporting recovery and maintaining energy levels

  • Anything else you would like to discuss

Initial Naturopathic Consult - 75 min

Book an Initial Consult and receive $30 off using the code FINEPINE

Pineapple Fitness