Your Muscle Mass Naturally Declines From Age 30 - Here's What To Do About It!

You might know that muscle mass declines with age. The average person loses about 1% of muscle mass each year starting in their early 30s. To stave off this natural process, get serious about weight training now! It’s definitely not too late to get started…ever!

We train ladies of all ages but the large majority of women we train are between 30-50! They are starting their journey with fitness for the first time or coming back to it after a long stint off having kids and raising their babies 😍

These are the women that we’re so passionate about helping as the results are beyond looking hot in your bikini (you can do that too if you want 💁🏼‍♀️) We are helping them to be healthy enough to live their life, for the rest of their life!

Lifting weights in your 30s and beyond will lead to healthier bones and stronger muscles. To feel more capable, to have more confidence, to age well and to have less injuries!

Muscle requires more energy, which means building more of it can help you get rid of any extra weight that can accumulate as we have the privilege of ageing!

Come and join the Pineapple Tribe! Book your free health consult today!

Pineapple Fitness