Cycle Awareness 101 by Brit


Women have approximately 450 menstrual cycles in their lifetime. Unfortunately, women often view their cycles as a burden, and sometimes, they're even perceived culturally to be some kind of a curse.

But what if I told you that your monthly cycle has four unique phases, and that each one brings about different physical and emotional strengths in you? You'd probably want to learn how to work with your cycle instead of against it right?

My initial awareness of female hormones came from losing my period for 18 months when I was 21 and then embarking on a journey alongside a number of naturopaths to regain it. This process taught me that the menstrual cycle is much more than ‘that time of the month’ like I thought it was since I first got my period. Thinking back to majority of education I received at school or from media about periods, it was pretty much that you bleed for 5-7 days a month and then you don’t for the rest, and that’s it. Knowing what I know now, I can’t believe we aren’t taught cycle awareness in school!

It was after a series of mental health struggles that I really delved into these learnings on cycle awareness. The first book I read on it was Moody Bitches by Dr Julie Holland. It was here I learnt, ‘oh hang on, I don’t have to be nor am I meant to be ON all the time and my body isn’t actually wired to be the SPRING/SUMMER/OVULATION goddess (you will learn what that means below) that I believe I should be all month round. We are designed by nature to be dynamic, cyclical, ever-changing and yes, moody. And that is a strength - not a weekness.

An exert of the first page of this book was all I needed to be hooked:

“We evolved this way for good reasons; our hormonal oscillations are the basis for a sensitivity that allows us to be responsive to our environment. Our dynamism imparts flexibility and adaptability. Being fixed and rigid does not lend itself to survival. In nature, you adapt or you die. There is tremendous wisdom and peace available to us if we learn how our brains and bodies are supposed to work. Moodiness - being sensitive, caring deeply and occasionally being acutely dissatisfied is our natural source of power. Yet we have been told the opposite”

Just this awareness gave me permission to calm the farm and start adopting practices that serve my hormonal happenings at each cycle - and I’ll tell you now, thinking I needed to be superwomen and all over all the things 24/7 especially at in my menstrual phase while bleeding wasn’t serving my body. Or my anxiety levels!

I then stumbled across a women’s health coach Claire Baker who introduced me to the idea of living our period cycles as seasons. I was fascinated. I purchased all her ebooks, courses, read her work religiously. I then began experimenting with cycle tracking and now, 3 years later, I believe it’s the missing link in women’s wellness. Please note that I’m taking Claire’s information and my own learnings and showing how I use it. I’m not an expert or a doctor.

OK! Let’s Dive In!

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this varies from woman-to-woman, month-to-month. According to data from the menstrual cycle tracking app Clue, the average cycle for a 30-year old woman is anything from 25 to 41.5 days, with menses lasting for 5 days on average. The first day of your menstrual cycle (day 1) is the first day bleeding begins, meaning that the last day of your cycle is the day before your period starts. It’s a continuum, a gentle and transient movement from day to day, phase-to-phase, month-to-month.

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Seasons and the Phases of the Cycle.

Claire teaches the phases of the cycle as seasons. This method really resonated with me and was the key that allowed this info to sink in and start living in line with my four seasons. This is her gorgeous graphic below showing the seasons and phases too.

Why I think the seasons resonated with me so well being the outdoorsy person I am, with the outdoor biz that I run, I am heavily impacted by the seasons. As are you if you train with us in the outdoors! What I want to do in the outer season of Winter such as, rug up, retreat and sip hot chocolate on the couch, is what my body requires and wants in my inner season. In contrast, the change of season to outer Spring always makes me want to shave my legs, scrub my body, put on a floral dress and head out into the world which is what our hormones encourage us to do in our inner Spring too! Think of the season spring: it’s a light and playful time, ripe with promise and possibilities, as we relish in those first rays of sunshine after the cold, winter months.

They are also terms that we are extremely familiar with and have used for majority of our lives unlike words like follicular and luteal. I’ve found that working this way is an easy and powerful method to connect with your internal rhythms.

Again, our inner seasons are unique to each of us; they’ll fluctuate cycle-to-cycle (some months you might have a long Summer and a short Spring, or a short Winter and a lengthier Autumn— all good!), but to kick-off the conversation, our average days are:

WINTER (days 1-6)

SPRING (days 7-13) 

SUMMER (days 14-21)

AUTUMN (days 22-28)

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Incorporating the simple tips and practices below have revolutionised my relationship with my cycle, and I believe they will do the same for you too.

Phase 1 - Menstruation/Winter

Average Days: 1-6. We begin with winter as the start of the new cycle. The first day of full red blood flow is Day 1 of your cycle

Hormonal Happenings: Hormone levels at their lowest as bleeding begins, and the body is involved in the process of menstruation — the release of your uterine lining.

Exercise: On days 1-2 = walks, Yoga, Stretch and Release sessions. For the rest of this phase, take it easier in your workouts. Don’t push to max. 5 out of 10 intensity and focus on mindful movement, breathing while you move. Reduce your weights and focus on technique. For some women, movement at menstruation can help to alleviate cramping and feels great. This is where you must to listen to your body

Nutrition: Giving your body the nutrients it needs to support this process is self-care 101 here! Nutrient dense, warming, comforting and cleansing foods that support the liver, kidneys and digestive system, and promote a healthy flow of blood, are your friend. Vegie Soups and Broths are perfect. Our body does not process alcohol, sugar or caffeine as well here. You don’t have to omit, but just be mindful.

Mindset: Boundaries are key in your inner winter. Schedule in this time for yourself in advance and also be flexible when “life happens”. You may have greater ability to mediate, journal and your intuition may be heightened. This is a time to just BE! The better I look after myself in my inner winter, the more I have to give in my inner Spring/Summer. Time offline! I try to stay off social media and technology as much as possible, particularly in the evenings and may even delete the apps that I find myself mindlessly scrolling on for a couple of days.

Community/Social Life: May be non existent. Time to pull back, say no, and be mindful of energy given to others. Rest and enter the period cave! A couple of days into winter, I start to feel a spark of energy but I need to remind myself that I’m still in my winter until around day 6.

Sex and Intimacy: Libido can actually increase after bleeding begins. You may love or loathe sex at this time.

Creativity/Work Life: If day 1—2 lines up with a weekend or non-massive work day, I’m cheering. That of course doesn’t always happen but you’ll see less of my face on social media and I may even block out a couple hours on the afternoon of when I think Day 1-2 will be if life allows. Inward creative expression is high so things such as pottering around the house, painting, writing. Clearer, calmer energy.


You may be thinking here, ‘I have a job that I can’t just slack off in when I’m bleeding or kids who need to be cared for month round Brit!’ I get it. Pineapple needs to be run 28 days a month too. However, just having the awareness to go, “it’s day 1-2 of my cycle today, yes I have a lot today but after work I am not going to schedule that catch up with a friend or HIIT class tonight. I am going to take the afternoon to myself at home or by the ocean to rest.” Small changes in the times we have make a huge difference. This is approaching your life, work, self-care, social life, fitness, sex, and creative projects differently in each the phase of your cycle — because how we feel changes. Cycle-syncing is less about micro-managing our schedule, and more about holding ourselves in the awareness that the female hormonal journey means we shift and change from week-to-week. The question then becomes, how can our self-care, creativity, productivity, relationships, attitude and self-talk flow with these inner changes?


Phase 2 - Pre-Ovulatory/Spring

Average Days: 7 - 13

Hormonal Happenings: Oestrogen rising, progesterone low but rising, testosterone rises towards ovulation.

Exercise: You’ll most likely notice your energy increasing in your inner Spring, so this is the time to move your body. Try an exercise sesh or type of movement you’ve never done before or haven’t done in a while! Been wanting to try Triple B? This is the time to do it! Dancing serves us well in this phase. You may also feel lighter & more agile.

Nutrition: Reduced appetite, gravitate towards whole, healthy, plant foods. Because oestrogen is not yet high, your liver isn’t having to work at eliminating it from your system. This means that you might notice you can metabolise caffeine, carbs and alcohol more easily in this phase. If you want to start introducing new and healthy foods into your diet (and reducing not-so-nourishing foods), then your inner spring is the time to do it. 

Mindset: Young, fresh energy. Open to adventure, spontaneous & free but still not at your most robust self. If I’m flying out of my Winter and into my Spring at a 100 miles an hour like I often do (I have a tendency to go, come in body we are in Spring now, lessss go) the positive Spring symptoms are not as high and I am exhausted by ovulation. The buzzing energy of Spring can also trigger my anxiety sometimes so I do need to remember my grounding practices such as sitting out in the backyard on the grass, being by the ocean and deep breathing.

Community/Social Life: Increasing desire to dress up, socialise, connect & be with others. Light energy. Increasing desire to be with people, reach out & connect.

Sex and Intimacy: Growing sexual desire. Schedule a date! Your libido and sexual energy are rising! Makes sense right? Our body wants to make a baby here! Whether that’s on your agenda or not, it’s the perfect time to head out with your loved one!

Creativity/Work Life: Dynamic, momentous, ‘masculine’ energy for taking action on tasks & starting projects. Desire to spend money on clothes, experiences & beauty products to look & feel good.


My Spring is not always soaring energy, attractiveness, sexual energy, wanting to be social, easy going and fun vibes! If you’re thinking, I’m in my spring and I don’t feel like this at the moment, don’t beat yourself up.

I do notice, the more I look after myself in my menstrual/winter phase (while you’re bleeding) the ‘higher’ my spring feels


Phase 3 - Ovulation/Summer

Average Days: 14 — 20

Hormonal Happenings: Peak of oestrogen & testosterone, progesterone soars, first oestrogen dip — then increase. Your inner summer is the peak of the menstrual cycle, sitting opposite menstruation for those who have a 28 - 35 day cycle. The inner summer is characterised by ovulation, the release of a matured egg into one of your fallopian tubes. This egg then begins the journey to your uterus, where your uterine lining is continuing to thicken.

Exercise: Stronger, resilient, increased energy & stamina. Some studies suggest, resistance training during your this phase will result in higher strength gains! For you, this means focusing on increasing the repetitions, intensity or weight in your sessions! Tell your coach, I’m ready to be pushed today! Give me a mini challenge in today’s session! Aim to use this 2 week “window of opportunity” to optimise muscle growth and strength. Small group athletes, this is the time to increase your weights! Immediately before ovulation occurs, oestrogen levels have peaked. This means that a few days before ovulation, you may find you’re able to achieve some personal records during your resistance workouts!

Nutrition:  Your appetite could be lower and cravings for sweet foods are generally lower too. We need good quality protein and fats to regulate and manufacture our sex hormones. I notice that my body naturally craves foods such as eggs and avocado in the mornings, or a filling smoothie with protein powder, almond butter and berries. Also use the energy you have in this phase to batch cook and freeze some meals for your inner winter. You will thank yourself later. I also find I need less sleep here.

Mindset: Clearer thinking & coordination, prolific, increased focus, stamina. More patience, flexible, increasing desire to ‘nest’ or have people over. The peak of hormones lends itself to a more confident, articulate and positive mental state at ovulation — I often feel like I’m “on top of things” in my inner summer — but there’s also a possibility of experiencing a great deal of mental noise here, or a feeling of overwhelm, as life can feel very full if you’ve planned extra work or social commitments for this time.

Community/Social Life: Seek fun in relationships, social life, creativity, pleasure, sex. Time to communicate, be romantic, connect & nurture relationships. Increased empathy & patience. Great time to be social! Plan group catch ups or make phone calls to friends & family.

Sex and Intimacy:  The desire to feel more physically attractive heightens, and you might notice your skin glowing, your breasts growing, your hair bouncing, and even your face becoming more symmetrical! Libido peaks here. Cervical mucus will likely be clear and stretchy and you might have quite a lot of it. The final day that you notice this egg-white-ish discharge in your knickers is your actual day of ovulation. Self pleasure and self massage.

Creativity/Work Life: You’re full of life, full of love, fruitful, expansive, and if there’s one phase in the cycle where you “can do it all”, then quite possibly, this is it. Hello Superwoman! Plan for meetings, speaking events, clients, networking, building relationships, high- energy tasks & longer days.


Phase 4 - Pre-Menstrual/Autumn

Average Days: 21 — 28

Hormonal Happenings: Progesterone high, then oestrogen & progesterone levels plunge.

Exercise: While it may feel tempting to curl up on the lounge for this phase, I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your energy circulating here. Exercise may help reduce PMS symptoms & release mood boosting endorphins and energy, both of which are favourable here. In the first half of Autumn, you may still be riding the ovulatory high and be able to keep the intensity of your workouts up there. Towards the end of Autumn, a couple days before you bleed, your body can feel swollen in breasts & abdomen so you may want to reduce the intensity down a little and focus on strength classes over HIIT and Tabata. Boxing feels good here too!

Nutrition: How we nourish ourself here plays a critical role in how we navigate this final phase of the cycle. Our goal is to reduce sugar cravings, support the liver as it flushes out oestrogen, support energy levels, reduce mood swings, headaches and breakouts . Appetite increases, craving for carbs & sweets. This is not the time to restrict your calorie intake too much or do a cleanse. Be mindful of alcohol & sugar intake. When I’m stressed or I’ve had too much alcohol or caffeine throughout this phase, my pre-menstrual phase seems to last forever. Up the magnesium in this phase to help cramping, low moods and sleep.

Mindset: Autumn isn’t always the most joyous week as our energy takes a dive. We feel more emotional and you may experience PMS symptoms. However I have learnt to love this phase, the inner ‘wild woman’ and early Autumn is sometimes when I feel most myself. You may feel an increase desire to be in nature, turn inwards & let go. Your inner critic /ego can be heightened. Baths, movies, massages, nurturing self care & indulgence feel good. Strong desire to clean, de- clutter & create space. Mess = frustrating. I am decisive, can make impulsive choices, have a desire to cull and review what is and isn’t working for me. Full, truthful & wild creative expression: good for PMS!

Community/Social Life: Seek comforting social experiences as you withdraw. People you can be you and feel comfortable around.

Sex and Intimacy: No longer fertile, sex can help alleviate PMS. You may feel powerful, independent and crave space.

Creativity/Work Life: Time for reflection, ‘create or destroy’, editing & refining projects. Honest, perceptive abilities. Be mindful of over- spending to elevate mood. Plan purchases in advance. Editing, refining, ’bullshit meter’ is high. Honest & reflective. It’s the perfect opportunity to pause and ‘course correct’.


I really really hope this has helped you in some way. I’d love to hear from you if you’ve been practicing this already or if this is the first time you’re hearing about it all and are blown away. 


Brittany Ashman