The Level Up Program guarantees more strength, more progress and more results in an extremely safe way!
We know we sound like a broken record but we LOVE weight training for women! With benefits such as improved fat loss (the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest), better bone health, a strong and toned body composition, more confidence, reduced risk of injuries and falls, and increased energy and immunity, who wouldn’t!
We've said it before and we'll say it again: if you lift weights, you won't bulk up. (Although there's nothing wrong with that if that's your fitness goal.) Many women are concerned that training or lifting weights will cause them to become masculine looking and to gain a significant amount of muscle and that is simply not the case! The unique chemical makeup of a woman's body inherently offers her lower amounts of testosterone [the primary hormone that allows men to accumulate muscle more quickly]. You'll be strong and defined, not bulky!
The Level up Program:
Ensures you are safe! It makes sure you have the correct weights for you!
Will make you stronger! The strength sessions are programmed in a way that guarantees increases in strength and muscle tone
Is Fun! Weights are so empowering, life and body changing and you’re going to love them!
How the Level Up Program works:
You purchase a set of high quality dumb bells on the Pineapple App. Ask your coach if you are not sure what weight is correct for you
Bring your pair of weights to your outdoor strength and BASE sessions!
When your strength has increased (woo!) you LEVEL UP! Pineapple credits you for 50% of the original DB purchase price (provided they are in decent condition) for you to use towards your new set! You will never have to pay full price for another set of dumb bells again!
Your coach will let you know when you are ready to LEVEL UP (based on how we see you perform in class and benchmarking results)! There is no pressure to purchase another set of weights and one set will last a lifetime if you’re happy at that weight.
When it’s time to LEVEL UP, email to arrange a heavier set.
Bring your weights to these sessions:
How to look after your weights:
Tell them how much you love them, give them a protein breaky, and keep them well hydrated! Just kidding! That's how you look after your muscles though ;)
Keep them in your car where they are not going to roll around too much! Don't drop them on hard surfaces and give them a wipe over once every couple of months!
How to purchase:
Head over to the pineapple app and purchase your set or pack
Payment plans are available. Pease email if you would like to pay your weights/pack off over a period of time.
If you would prefer not to opt in to the Level Up Program, that is fine! You can choose to source your own weights or you can train bodyweight! We supply the equipment at our HIIT and Boxing sessions.
Payment Plans Available!
Afterpay it! Email after you have completed your form with how many payments you would like to pay it off.